July Small Goals

July Small GoalsI can’t believe it’s July already. We’re halfway through the 2016, and I’m halfway through 29. All y’all have 6 months to put me on your “30 Under 30” lists. Get to it. Anyway, this is what was on deck for June:

1. Start painting the house. I think this will start helping me feel like it’s really mine. DONE! I had a color consultation with my sister’s friend’s sister (follow that?) who does design consults through the local Sherwin Williams, so now we have paint picked out for the whole house AND I started painting what is now the most offensive room (now that that formerly green and orange attic is finished) — the front room upstairs that will become our bedroom when it’s done.

2. Soak up as much knowledge and wisdom as I can get at Write/Speak/Code. DONE! Write/Speak/Code was the most actionable, useful, and arguably best conference I’ve ever been to. I’ve been meaning to write a reflection and recap about it, but for now I’ll say that I’m very glad I decided to attend this year.

3. Pick a mattress to buy. This one’s kind of in progress. I picked out a conventional mattress at a local store, but we’re also considering trying out a Wink. Do any of you have the Wink? I like to feel like I’m sleeping on a pile of pillows, so memory foam and latex aren’t that appealing to me. Soft mattress recommendations only, please.

4. Test out our backyard fireplace. DONE, as evidenced on Instagram, and above! I’m looking forward to roasting marshmallows over it soon.

5. Map out an editorial calendar for the Town Dish and this blog. Done-ish? I’ve got lists of posts to write but haven’t scheduled them all yet. I’m going to try batch writing this month and see how it goes. Here’s to a return to regular posting!

Not terrible for feeling like this month was about two weeks long! Now, on to July:

1. Have an excellent time vacationing with friends for the first time. I’m curious about how this will change my travel style and the dynamic that Chad and I have developed over the past 9 years since our first major trip together. Also, Iceland. My favorite.

2. Finish the bedroom. This requires finishing the paint job, actually purchasing the aforementioned mattress, and probably getting new windows installed. Hopefully before leaving for Iceland. Sigh.

3. Meal planning. Lame goal, but I’m tired of suppertime sneaking up on me without having any idea or motivation to start cooking when I’m already hangry. Also, after eating breakfast and lunch at the amazing Urban Outfitters cafeteria practically every day for the past two and half years (I know, shame on me), I’ve gotten out of the habit of feeding myself. Dumb. Time to get back to it.

4. Start learning D3.js! At Write/Speak/Code, the New York Times Engineering team was one of the sponsors, and it felt like there were a few former journalists turned developers in attendance as well. I found myself super jealous of them, and a little sad that I’d fallen out of that world after leaving my very short-lived post as an editor at a small-town newspaper. I feel like learning to make fun interactive data visualizations will help scratch that itch and potentially be useful for applying what I’ve been doing as a developer to what my natural interests have been my whole life. I’m planning to check out this book to get started.

5. Post here regularly. Take time to write, photograph, and share. I want this space to be a community and a record of the story I’m living, more than it has been lately.


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