Category: food

  • Snacktime

    For the longest time, I thought I did not like popcorn. In college, I would buy boxes of microwave popcorn to snack on while staying up to write. It started giving me a stomach ache, and I decided that I just didn’t like it. But this popcorn is different. Simple. Pure. My sister told me…

  • Iceland: Day 2

    We caught a later brunch on our second day in Iceland at a place I really wanted to try. Grai Kotturin was another place I’d discovered in my research for this article over at Dish Trip. Its name translates to something like Grey Cat or Grey Kitten, which sold me even further. Who doesn’t want to…

  • Week 1: Writing

    So, what in the world am I doing now that I quit my job? A lot.  I got a bit of a slow start last week, with all of the hurricane excitement. Chad couldn’t get to his office in Manhattan, so he worked from home with me all last week. I did manage to write…

  • Simple supper

    It’s no secret that I’m a fairly picky eater. If undeterred, I can subsist on the eating habits of a five year old (read: macaroni and cheese and chicken fingers). I don’t like vegetables. There are a few that I am willing to eat, and, to trick myself into eating them, will sneak into various…

  • 30 Days – Day 29

    Supper. I am almost daily uninspired about what to make for supper. And yes, I say “supper.” Dinner, to my farmer dad, is the meal that happens sometime around noon. Hence, supper. It is the eternal question. But I have a few go-to options. One of them is 4H Special, named such because my mom…

  • 30 Days – Day 13

    I was in quite the funk all day. It felt a lot like last summer, right after I moved here, and I spent my days refreshing Craig’s List in search of ever-elusive employment. Then I left for the ESL class that I teach and interacted with a bunch of wonderful people. After class, I came…