
I discovered while living in West Chester that I am profoundly affected by my physical space. I haven’t yet determined whether that is good or bad. I’m choosing for now to accept that it just is. I realized that there are a few characteristics of my space that I need to feel optimal.
  • I need a sunny kitchen with lots of windows and natural light. Also, a dishwasher.
  • I need a well-lit bedroom. Chad just hung three huge paper lanterns above our bed, and now it feels sunny all day.
  • I need access to the outdoors. Even a small balcony or porch will suffice, but even better if it’s a backyard with a garden plot. We had both in West Chester, including our own balcony, and a shared porch and backyard in Philly.
  • I need a (mostly) private work space to think, dream, plan, and create. 
  • I need living things. Specifically, Chad, Pablo, Harper, flowers, and plants. I am bad at keeping the plants alive, but I try. After working in a flower shop during breaks from college, I no longer believe that flowers are a frivolity. They are mental health medicine and a form of self care. 
  • I need art around me, preferably created or given to me by family and friends. We are blessed to have lots of that. It’s sometimes a pain to move with, but it is more than worth the trouble. 
Have other people noticed how their physical space affects them? What artifacts or attributes do you need in a living space?


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