Category: writing

  • Lunchtime Reads

    I have this unproductive habit of sending myself links to articles I’ve read that I want to be able to reread or access later. It makes for a cluttered inbox, and often I forget about them anyway. Though we now spend hours curating visuals on Pinterest, I’ve wondered about practical ways to curate writing or…

  • Life and Deadlines

    I am good at deadlines, as long as they are set by others and those others expect me to meet them. I will meet deadlines; I will meet expectations. I’ve never been good at making and keeping my own deadlines, being boring, doing the work. Maybe I don’t treat my “work” (or aspirations thereof) seriously…

  • I want to be a teacher, but I don’t want to quit the internet

    Stories like this terrify me. Shouldn’t teachers be practitioners of their content? Shouldn’t an English teacher be expected to write and publish? A professor is. Is the purpose of high school to teach content and practice, or morals? Can’t we have both? These stories make me wonder if teaching is worth the scrutiny. Sometimes I…

  • Things are different now

    The last few months have been strange, busy. Chad and I are living in West Chester now. I am starting grad coursework toward a PA teaching certificate, and looking for a job or private tutoring/freelance gigs. I had a pretty encouraging interview today for a private tutoring job . . . I don’t know if…

  • Language assistance

    What is language assistance? Do you have trouble remembering when to use an apostrophe? Know the difference between an n-dash and m-dash? What about the difference between a colon and a semicolon? How are your spelling and consistency? Do you really have time to learn how to be a meticulous grammar snob? Probably not. That’s…

  • going LOCAL!

    So, in my search for meaningful work to do when I’m not at my day job, I stumbled upon the opportunity to help out a friend who is working on his second book. Meet Ken Hull. He’s a local artist-turned-author. His first book, which he self-published, is going LOCAL! An Adventurer’s Guide to Unique Eats,…