Category: travel

  • Flashbacks

    I did more exciting things before I started this blog than I do now. Well, maybe not, but sometimes it seems that way. Hence, flashbacks, to more exciting times of my life. Possibilities: Studying in Spain, working in Costa Rica, getting married (ok, that happened after I started this, but nothing exciting was really documented),…

  • Oh Happy Day in Paris

    Oh Happy Day is sending a reader on a seven-day trip for two Paris! I would love to go! I didn’t make it there while I was studying in Spain. I flew to Dublin one weekend, and then ran out of money and had to stay in Spain and Portugal for the rest of my…

  • SF bound

    This morning, Chad bought our plane tickets to San Francisco! I’m hoping to find some interesting places to go. My travel M.O. has typically been to wander around until I find something that looks interesting. This often results in hunger, exhaustion, and frustration, especially if other people are involved. (The day we wandered up and…