Category: lunchtime reads

  • Lunchtime Reads 12.23.13

    Are you working the Monday before Christmas, which awkwardly falls in the middle of the week this year? I’m sure your mind is wandering from work anyway, so here’s some lunch break goodness to help you take your mind off the hustle & bustle. Ever feel like the really successful artists, writers, & hyper creative…

  • Lunchtime Reads 11.4.13

    Bringing Art Home: What is the fruit of creativity worth to us? We are totally blessed to have been gifted with tons of art for our wedding, but I understand the hesitation to spend money on art. I think many people probably focus on the practical necessities (especially those with Mennonite/Anabaptist backgrounds, and probably other…

  • Lunchtime Reads 9.5.13

    All those shitty things you tell yourself when you’re scared or overwhelmed or waiting for the other shoe to drop — are they really true? Even though I studied English and Spanish in college, I managed to avoid reading a lot of the white male canon, for better or worse. I do realize that’s not…

  • Lunchtime Reads 7.17

    Erin Loechner has been absolutely killing it lately with incredibly thoughtful posts that ask meaningful questions about style, design, and life. This is one of my recent favorites. I’m learning a ton about myself and my needs and wants during this sabbatical. I’m also learning a ton about design and development, and taking every opportunity…

  • Lunchtime Reads 5.1.13

    A reminder from Austin Kleon that the people we think have it all together online, the artists and the parents and the creative business owners, just don’t. The Design Trust has five tips for naming your creative business. Along the same lines, Betty Red has 23 resources for creative small businesses. I’ve been thinking a lot…

  • Lunchtime Reads: 2.4.13

    Last week was super busy with all good things. I’m excited to be able to share more about them in the near future. In the meantime, here’s some internet reads for your Monday lunch break. Enjoy!Found this via my favorite internet girl: “Suffering is not a benchmark of hard work. Misery is not an indicator of importance.…