Restless and wanderlustful. INFJ.
Why “Lisli”? (Pronounced “lease – lee.”) It’s the PA Dutch diminutive of my name. Also, it’s the name my grandfather would whisper in my ear when I was a little girl.
I’m a recent transplant to the cute little city of Lancaster. You can read more about why we chose to buy a house and move here from Philadelphia, where I spent the last four years. I grew up on a dairy farm in the wilds of Central Pennsylvania, which I was not a fan of at the time, but I’m growing increasingly grateful for that experience and the work ethic it instilled. Every time I go home, it feels more and more beautiful, and the longer I’m away the more I realize how much my upbringing gave me.
Before moving to Lancaster (and slightly after), I worked as a front-end web developer at Urban Outfitters in Philadelphia. I’m now an independent front-end developer, which so far has ended up being mostly WordPress projects. If you’re interested in hiring me for contract front-end development work (WordPress or otherwise), shoot me an email. I’m also a freelance writer & contribute to The Town Dish.
I loveĀ traveling, Chad, cats, coffee, and mac and cheese. So much mac and cheese.