Tag: learnployment

  • Thoughts for a Tuesday

    I’ve been having a hard time integrating The Artist’s Way into my days, aside from the Morning Pages, which I have been compartmentalizing. So I thought I’d make something out of a quote I pulled from this week’s chapter. I hope the act of creating something with the content of each week’s chapter will help…

  • One Month!

    So, I’ve hit the approximate one month mark since I left my 9-to-5. I can honestly say that I don’t regret it in the least, and I’m incredibly blessed/lucky/privileged to have been able to leave. Since then, I’ve been focusing on writing, learning web design, and working on other projects that I’m excited to share…

  • Starting something new

    I had heard of The Artist’s Way before Girl Crush Philly, I think perhaps from Buster Benson‘s 750words.com. I liked the idea of doing morning pages (writing three pages longhand each morning)in theory, but I never started them. I didn’t want to start anything except a job at the time. I was also hesitant because…

  • Week 1: Writing

    So, what in the world am I doing now that I quit my job? A lot.  I got a bit of a slow start last week, with all of the hurricane excitement. Chad couldn’t get to his office in Manhattan, so he worked from home with me all last week. I did manage to write…