Tag: Belleville

  • 30 Days – Day 10, or Country Roads

    No matter how far I travel . . . . . . or how many different places I live . . . . . . this will always be the place I consider home.* *Home is people to me, too. Chad, and a select few other super close people, are also home to me. But…

  • 30 Days – Day 7

    Ok. I’ll admit it. I’ve fallen behind on my 30 Days of Creativity endeavors. I savored every moment I spent with friends this weekend, and didn’t really take time to plan or dream ideas for this week. I don’t regret that, though. While creating and producing is important and fun, cultivating relationships with friends who…

  • Food, Farming, Dinner Parties

    Good posted an article today about 30 Project, an organization trying to bring attention and change to our food system. I find these food campaigns, though definitely necessary and educational for some, boring and redundant for me. I’ve grown up knowing exactly where the majority of my food comes from (often, my family’s farm). My…