What I’ll Miss About Making My Own Schedule



I started my new job at Urban Outfitters this week, so I’ve been reflecting on the little things I’ll miss about the time I got to spend on my sabbatical & freelance time.

  • Grocery shopping in the middle of the day while everyone else is at work.
  • Running errands before rush hour.
  • Time for regular morning pages.
  • Scheduling appointments or car maintenance at non-peak times.
  • Support in the form of coffee dates or lunches with other independent workers (like the lunch date at Terrain I had with Sarah last week).
  • The opportunity to cowork at IndyHall or The Fireworks, a new coworking space just a couple blocks away from us in West Philly.
  • Location independence — this past year we’ve been able to work from places like the Ace Hotel in Manhattan, Chicago, and Utah.
  • The cats. I’m a legit cat lady.

Later this week, I’ll be sharing the flip side: What I’m looking forward to most about my new job & new schedule. This is quite a list, but I’m excited to share what’s compelled me to go back to the 9 to 5 world.


8 responses to “What I’ll Miss About Making My Own Schedule”

  1. I’m starting the get into creating my own schedule so I’m looking forward to the things you’ve posted about. However, UO is a fantastic opportunity and I can wait to read the things you’re looking forward to. Congrats!

    1. Thank you! I’m really excited about it. How are you finding making your own schedule? It was always really difficult for me.

  2. Ah yes, definitely agree on all of those things. I didn’t know about Fireworks. I still wish there was a coworking space closer to center city (I’m so lazy!) I’m surprised UO doesn’t have in-house pet days!

    Very much looking forward to reading your list of benefits of 9-5!

    1. The Fireworks is brand new. The people and the space are both really wonderful. Maybe you could check out Benjamin’s Desk? That might be closer for you. Also, I’m keeping my basic membership to IndyHall for Night Owls and other events. The community there is wonderful and it might be worth it for you to check out.

      UO lets everyone bring their dogs to work. There are SO.MANY.DOGS. Bringing a cat or two seems like a logistical nightmare. Ha!

      1. Definitely am going to check out Benjamin’s Desk! I didn’t realize there were so many events at IndyHall… very very cool. I will also add that to my list of things to do. You’re a wealth of information!

        And all the dogs at UO? I can’t imagine how crazy that must be.

  3. Chrystina Noel Avatar
    Chrystina Noel

    I think I’m most jealous that you ever had a chance to grocery shop in the middle of the day. Whole Foods or Super Fresh. On a Sunday night. Ridiculousness. My current prime time is Saturday morning. Best of luck with the new job!

    1. Oh my gosh. Whole Foods is the worst! Are you in Philly? Have you seen Instacart? I think I’m gonna sign up!


      1. Chrystina Noel Avatar
        Chrystina Noel

        Yes indeed, I am in Philly. I hadn’t seen Instacart yet. I’m probably going to have to look into that though. Then I can have my groceries delivered when I arrive back from business trips with no hassle. That would be perfect.

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